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Posts tagged “twilight

twilight saga: eclipse–the movie

i only saw it today so that should say how excited i was. but i would describe my drive to see it as more of a curiosity. in general, i thought it was better than the second one. but “new moon” was the worst book (or most boring, whatever) so i think all the movies in the saga will be better that it was. “eclipse” had a better storyline, better soundtrack, better acting, better special effects. i did enjoy reading that the wolves couldn’t have genitals in order to keep it a PG-13 rating. they just stuck extra hair “down there”. bella’s character/kristen’s acting annoy me and i snub my nose at pattinson’s portrayal of edward. he just doesn’t hit the mark for me. i’d sum it up by saying he’s just pansy-ish on screen and doesn’t capture the complexity and quiet strength of the book character.

i will say that i was extremely pleased with rosalie’s and jasper’s backstory. i’ve never seen nikki reed look more beautiful as rosalie and i thought the delivery of her lines was impeccable. she really is an amazing actress, just watch “thirteen”. i’m looking forward to her bigger role in “breaking dawn”. and jasper was such a cutie. i always wondered why they never really gave him a southern accent in the movies. and it was like BAM! there it was 🙂 i guess when he takes on a position of authority, the southern twang makes an appearance.

the fight scenes were quite entertaining and not nearly long enough. definitely not nearly long enough. i enjoyed the effect of when the vampires were torn apart–it sounded like breaking glass and twisting metal. bree’s appearances tugged at my heart. especially after reading “the short second life of bree tanner” and knowing how doomed she was.  i was also impressed with xavier as riley.  he acted brilliantly.  which is why he gets to be my post image.

as far as the drama went with the love triangle, i couldn’t care less. i wanted to see more of leah and seth. i feel like i cared about everyone else except bella and edward.  i’d say that the best parts of the movie for me were rosalie, jasper, and the action sequences. oh, and bella’s ring looked like a $5 piece of fashion jewelry. but that’s just me.


again, no synopsis here.  it’s all to do with vampires and werewolves and young love.  part of me feels like i’m discrediting myself completely by suggesting this series, but i did read it before all of the hoopla began and…whatever, i liked it.

twilight series books 1-4

twilight series books 1-4

this series is basically my tried and true recommendation.  this is the gem that i recommended to the 3 non-readers (from “my rant”).  it’s not one of the deepest stories i’ve read and some have even criticized the ending as being lightweight, but it sure is entertaining.  whatever your preconceptions are, you should just give it a try.  it will keep you hooked all the way through the behemoth of “breaking dawn”.  i thought the whole idea of vampires and werewolves was extremely unoriginal and i was delighted with the fresh mythology that stephenie meyer cooked up.

meyer has a knack for coming up with very entertaining stories even though she may not be the greatest writer.  it gives hope to aspiring novelists and mediocre writers like myself.  from a fantasy lover’s perspective, this takes a nice piece of the cake.  it’s easy to lose yourself in the adventure and sexiness of the story.

i’m wondering if it’s even worth addressing the commercialization of this series.  <<still thinking…>>

movie notes:  i was actually one of the ones that loved twilight.  the acting was quite nice, wasn’t it?  this was one of the closest book to movie adaptations i have seen in a long time and i appreciated that.  i now offer a chill pill for all you grizzly bears.