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Posts tagged “the versatile blogger

blog award!

i’m excited! i just received a blog award from Zee at Zee’s Wordly Obsessions!  thank you, it’s been a while since i’ve received an award!  so now i’m supposed to share 7 things about myself:

1.  i have a bachelor’s degree in Physics & Astronomy from the university of georgia.
2. after i worked really hard to get that degree, i decided that was enough of that. my real passion is reading and i hope to be able to get my master’s in library and information science so i can become a librarian–whenever the stars align.
3. i have been married to my high school sweetheart for almost 5 years.
4. we have two dogs, sugar and chewy, who are pains in my ass but i can’t seem to let them go.
5. i have an obsession with anything old and antique. i like to mix old and new. i also like to take old things and turn them into something more beautiful and functional.

a tarnished old candelabra...

plus a few old mismatched teacups...

becomes my new jewelry stand!

6. i hated reading all through high school and a lot through college.
7. my nephew was born last month! in doing so, he created two sets of grandparents and a bunch of aunts and uncles for the first time!

william and me

i’m supposed to give this award to 15 other bloggers, preferably ones that i just found,  but i’m afraid i haven’t yet gotten that many!  i’m slowly working my way through the blogosphere.  but here are my picks:

Badass Bookie
Birdbrain(ed) Book Blog
Eep! Geek!
Mindful Musings
The Book Junkie’s Bookshelf
The Ladybug Reads
Habitual Viewer
The Sweet Bookshelf