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Posts tagged “suzanne collins

mockingjay :)

as if i have time to be on here right now. i’ve been in the middle of moving (hence my absence) so my world is on fire at the moment, but there’s always time for an amazing book 🙂 happy reading!

book nite

a few of the girls preparing edibles

every couple of weeks a few girls and i get together and discuss books. we also talk about what’s going on in our lives since we all pretty much work from home. we pass books around and talk about upcoming ones we are excited about—–>like Mockingjay!

we’re totally going to have a Mockingjay party once it’s released. i’m trying not to go overboard, but this kind of thing doesn’t happen often. sooooo, i was thinking i’d try to find some mockingjay pins like Katniss wears. and maybe make some cupcakes with a mockingjay on it. in “catching fire” a cracker with a mockingjay makes an appearance so maybe something with that, too.

i recently stumbled upon and found that Hot Topic is now carrying themed t-shirts.  they look amazing!

catching fire–the review

well, i can finally breathe!  this book was just everything i expected it to be.  i’m still on the high of finally getting my eyeballs in catching fire.  this usually means that the plethora of good stuff completely outshone anything that may have been wrong with the story.

book 2

book 2

practically every old favorite makes an appearance or gets honorable mention.  it’s the inclusion of dead and gone characters and the slight development in the background characters that made me feel really connected to the story.  i was so pumped when rue was mentioned a fair amount.  the interaction with katniss and district 11 is so heartbreaking and fiercely powerful that i had to take a moment to slap myself together.  but it was over for my already fragile tear ducts when katniss has a run-in with a new character and fellow district twelver named darius…you’ll see (and maybe you won’t act like a big baby like me, but every heartless savage is entitled to their own reaction).

the plot twist is pretty sweet and allows the introduction of new characters who i loved right off the bat.  the biggest surprise came from johanna who i was initially annoyed with, but she became one of my favorites due to her fabulous way of speaking the truth.  suzanne collins did a great job of including the hunger games in this book without rehashing the same storyline that we saw in the first.  and the ending?  well, it is just the darndest thing of a cliffhanger…practically a climax of the story that is abruptly cut off…until next time.

i really don’t want to give away any spoilers because this series is so full of surprises it would be a shame to even shed light on the storyline.  but here’s a morsel from our very own katniss, a girl after my own heart:

For dessert we dip chunks of fruit in a pot of melted chocolate, and Cinna has to order a second pot because i start just eating the stuff with a spoon.

movie notes: eyes peeled!


in my possession!

in my possession!

ohmygosh ohmygosh ohmygosh!!!!  i can hardly contain my excitement!  i have just returned from walmart on the off chance that they might have the second installment of the hunger games which was released today AND THEY DID!  there it was stacked next to a fresh supply of hardback copies of the hunger games, how appropriate 🙂



i will make quick work of this one no doubt–i started reading while i was in line to pay.  it’s simply 2 legit 2 quit.  happy reading and stay tuned for a review post!

the hunger games

ah, mockingjays, tracker jackers, and Peeta, oh my!  i think i might like this book better than twilight.  it’ll depend on how the rest of the series pans out.  this is the first book in a trilogy (hurrah for trilogies!).  the second installment called “catching fire” will be released on sept 1st.  i so love discovering a good series.  there’s nothing better than reading an awesome book and finding out it will have siblings.  it just prolongs the enjoyment.

book 1

book 1

the story is set in postapocalyptic america which is now called panem.  the book begins with the reaping where one boy and one girl are selected from each of the 12 districts to compete in the hunger games.  and then the story just goes nuts from there.  you will totally love this nutty goodness.  there’s a badass chick named katniss everdeen that will make bella from twilight look like a sappy wuss.  there’s so much action and lots of twists that you couldn’t possibly be bored when reading it (which is why i would absolutely recommend this book for someone who doesn’t like to read).  the descriptions in the story were impacting and provided really cool visuals.  and if a book can make me cry, then it automatically moves up in my opinion–damn you, rue!!  wwwwhhhhyyyy????  the suspense was very consuming.  i had to abandon unnecessary daily tasks just to finish.  when i go into lockdown like this, my dogs and husband have to band together for food and care–such good sports.

of note:  since stephenie meyer recommended this book, it has gained quite a following.  i wouldn’t be surprised to see its popularity continue to grow.  since the series is still in progress, this could mean opportunities for midnight releases and parties and such. 

book 2

book 2

if you’ve missed midnight release madness for harry potter and the twilight series, this may be your chance to have this experience!  it’s so much fun to be with others who are just as excited as you when anticipation comes to a head at midnight.  and you’ll know you’ve become a supernerd when you pull an all-nighter after you get the book.  “catching fire” is already available for preorder!

movie notes:  they’re going to make a movie!!  lionsgate has bought the rights to make one 🙂  and suzanne collins (the author) is going to write the screenplay 🙂 🙂  i’m extremely excited to see this book on film and if you’ve read it, you know why.  i’ll be at the midnight showing.  holla back.