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Posts tagged “running with scissors

running with scissors

so i just got done with this book. first of all, it’s a memoir so there is absolutely NO fantasy here people. although, the events of augusten’s young life are so extraordinary that it seems like a work of fiction. man, this guy’s life was messed up. 

running with scissors

running with scissors

let’s see, it’s definitely rated R and i definitely found it addicting about half way through. i typically look to stories as a form of escapism. not necessarily because i need to escape something in my life, but to explore places and situations i would never be a part of. in this case, i got to experience what it feels like to live life with absolutely no rules and guidance–to have complete freedom as a kid and how it can royally screw you up. after getting absorbed in augusten’s chaotic freedom, i was happy to return to my life with relief.

this memoir chronicles augusten’s life as a pre-teen and teen growing up with a psychotic mother and ultimately being adopted by his mother’s shrink. WTF, right? he writes with such humor and thank goodness, because the things that happen in his life are vulgar, disgusting, unpredictable, and sad; and only his humor could balance all that.

fyi: i would be very hard-pressed to recommend this book to anyone. it’s definitely not a “casual read”. i would have never made it through this book if i didn’t already have a love and appreciation for books in general. it’s a departure from my usual reads, but i like to shake things up a little. you know, live large.

movie notes: i haven’t seen it yet, but it will be my next rental cuz i’m obsessive like that.

07/31/09 edit:  i have seen the movie and i must admit that they did a bang up job.  evan rachel wood is great, n’est-ce pas?