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Posts tagged “prophecy of the sisters

prophecy of the sisters by michelle zink

part 1 review
so, Lia and i are good now.  there were two specific instances, one with her boyfriend james and one with her aunt virginia, where she went balls to the wall and stood up for herself.  bravo.  along with Lia’s growing toughness, the prophecy has become more complicated and far-reaching.  by the end it’s plain that this book is definitely part of a series (jeez).  in fact, once i finished, i couldn’t help but think that the adventure has yet to begin.  that the entire novel was merely a set-up to the actual journey.  it wasn’t as much of a letdown as i would have thought.  probably because the last few chapters set up for quite an adventure and the excitement i felt far overpowered the annoying aspects.

i did have a strong emotional response to Lia’s and Alice’s little brother Henry.  he and his sisters are about the same amount of years apart as my brother and me so i just kept picturing him as my brother.  what a sweet and devoted little boy Henry is and his fate completely pulled at my heartstrings.

in the story, the worlds beyond the physical plane are called the Otherworlds.  these are dangerous places to be, especially for those involved with the prophecy.  and happily, Luisa and Sonia become a major part of the prophecy.  always good to see those two.  Alice is still lurking about and proved her insanely evil capabilities by the end.  i will never forgive her.

i felt the tide turning in the end and the adventure looming…glad i’m along for the ride.

and it never ends

omg.  why does every book i pick up inevitably have to be part of a series?  it’s completely the fashion in book-writing nowadays.  especially with YA.  my frustration came to a head when i looked over the book selection in my local supermarket this week.  i saw a book cover that looked strangely like the three covers of alyson noel’s “the immortals” series.  upon further inspection i verified that it was indeed the fourth book in the series.  good grief.  i have the third book “shadowland” in my TBR pile.  now i’m even farther behind.  i don’t even like the series but i feel compelled to finish because i’m in so deep.  ugh.  first “the maze runner” then “prophecy of the sisters” now this.  of course, those two are pretty awesome so i don’t have much of a complaint there (especially with “the maze runner” which is completely amazing).  but i do desire the satisfaction of finishing a novel and having it be the end of it.  i must finish “battle royale”.

beginning prophecy of the sisters by michelle zink

dark and bleak.  this novel even begins with a funeral.  i almost put it away because i didn’t know if i was in the mood for all that.  but i persevered. the story hidden amongst the dreariness became worth it. it centers around twin sisters in 1890 new york who slowly realize they are part of a prophecy. a nasty one. the “good” sister is established right away as Lia and the bad one is Alice. since we’re following along with Lia, i find Alice more intriguing with her secretively seductive ways. Lia is just confused and scared all the time, which is understandable since she’s finding out creepy things about herself and the people around her. her sweet boyfriend James found an old book in her father’s library hidden in a secret compartment which sets the plot rolling. an excerpt:

Through fire and harmony mankind endured

Until the sending of the Guards

Who took as wives and lovers the woman of man,

Engendering His wrath.

Two sisters, formed in the same swaying ocean,

One the Guardian, One the Gate.

One keeper of peace,

The other bartering sorcery for devotion.

there’s more and it just gets creepier.  i’m happy with the plot so far. it’s moving along by introducing characters that help reveal more about the prophecy.  i’m absolutely in love with the character of Luisa Torelli.  she was introduced not a moment too soon.  Luisa is like a steaming mug of godiva hot cocoa within this brooding wintry tale.  another girl named Sonia has also come into play and since she’s a fortune teller or “spiritualist” as they say, she has a lot of knowledge about the prophecy.  these secondary characters are lovely and i only hope Lia will hike up that petticoat and grow a set.
final review