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Posts tagged “powdered milk

random quote

well, it’s not a quote really. i just remembered something out of a book i read years ago. i have tried so hard to make myself forget it but it comes back at the rudest times and pisses me off. i can never remember the name of the book right away. i just always think of the movie adaptation that had Jennifer Aniston’s character falling in love with her gay roommate or something.

AHA! I just IMDB’d it: The Object of my Affection. anyway, whilst reading this book, i came upon a scene where Nina pours herself a bowl of cheerios, sprinkles it with powdered milk, then runs it under the tap. why am i so sensitive about this??? i swear that this scene will only pop into my head when i’m halfway through a bowl of cereal, then i gag and get pissed. why at such an inopportune time? through the years, i figured myself out well enough to know that i need to empty my head before eating cereal lest a terrible thought come into my mind. it’s almost like, “i know there’s something i’m not supposed to think about or i won’t finish this bowl–LA LA LA LA LA LA!!!!” people should learn to not writing disgusting things in their novels. stupid authors.

i am scarred. this is tragic.