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Posts tagged “lois lowry

the giver

before i found harry, i had jonas.  then i went back to jonas and realized how much i missed him.  jonas is a young boy who is trying to make it in a crazy utopian society.  on the day he is assigned his job, his life hits the fan.  he lives in a world where everything is controlled:  the environment (including the weather–whoa), education, families, jobs, sexual urges are repressed (double whoa), and even animals are a myth.  so to me, the most awesome thing would be to expose someone from this world to the real world.  (and that’s what happens, if you catch my drift)

the giver

the giver

this is a short easy read and completely worth your time.  it has kind of a sadder more serious undertone but the suspense and adventure are bitchin’.  the story is a great work of fantasy in my opinion but the whole utopian concept didn’t seem so far-fetched, which kind of creeped me out.  i was rooting for jonas the whole time and the ending didn’t disappoint.

movie notes:  um, why haven’t they made one?  has anyone read this book?  it practically screams “movie adaptation!!!”