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Posts tagged “kindle


because my blog is dusty.  i am a negligent blogger as of late.  what is my problem?  get it together!  i finished a book called “the dew breaker”, amazing, set in haiti.  will need to post on that.  almost done with the first “percy jackson and the olympians” book.  i guess i should update my “what i’m currently reading” page.  need to start reading friends’ books i’ve had for months.  maybe then i can finally finish the books that i own like “under the dome” and “shiver”.  this makes me feel extremely behind.  probably not a good idea that i just bought another book at sam’s club.  why have i been recently buying tons of books from sam’s?  seems odd.  i’ve absolutely decided to entertain the idea of opening my own small bookstore.  trying to determine my niche.  maybe i’ll do posts on that journey as well.  i’ve become comfortable incorporating the words loquacious, garrulous, laconic, and taciturn into conversations.  and so glad i didn’t get a kindle after seeing the iPad.  sorry about the word vomit.

kindle update

bookstack-hero-01._V244132742_oh. my. goodness.  check out the size of that screen.  i don’t know why i looked at amazon…i relapsed God help me.

should i get a kindle?

jeez, i really want one.  finally, a piece of technology for readers!  i’m trying to make myself wait so i don’t make an impulse purchase.  but man,  when the kindle 2.0 became available in february i had to harness major self control. 

so pretty...

so pretty...

now i see that amazon is developing another upgraded version with a larger screen.  maybe i’ll wait for that and be “smart” about spending the $400 and $9.00+ per book.  sigh…it’s so pretty.