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Posts tagged “j.k. rowling

harry potter

ok folks, i’m not going to give you another synopsis to add to the millions that are already out there.  if you don’t have an inkling of what this book series is about by now, then…i don’t know…do you really not know??  what concerns me more is that i know people that have not read it when i know for a fact that they would really enjoy it.

harry potter books 1-7

harry potter books 1-7

as far as fantasies go, this is the motherload.  i especially recommend this series to new readers.  this is one of the richest stories i have ever read–both complex and easy to read.  j.k. rowling is a genius and you will find yourself startled when you realize how much you care about even the smallest characters.  seriously, book 7, just wait.  the books mature as harry matures so if you think the first two fit the “children’s story” mold, keep on truckin’ because you won’t be disappointed.  did i mention book 7?  yeah, just wait.

caution:  DO NOT get caught up in the commercialization of this series.  don’t not read it because you see it advertised everywhere in different media and you’re sick of it.  that would just be a horrendous mistake and i would have to throttle you.  i know someone who did just that and she was floored when she finally read them all in, like, 2 weeks.

i shed many tears when making my way through the series.  i am still beside myself with amazement at the detailed world that rowling created.  the books were such an awesome escape for me.  the fantasy and adventure supernerd in me was euphoric.

people, if you haven’t taken a ride on this train, you need to hop on.

movie notes:  atrocious but enjoyable.  i find that people who have not seen many book to movie transitions tend to act like irritated grizzly bears when not every line from a book is in a movie.  with respect to that, the movies are an abomination.  but still enjoyable i think.