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Posts tagged “hester browne

the little lady agency

Photo 182hurrah!  i’ve finished the little lady agency and i totally wish i was british (speaking of being british, my dad’s making yorkshire pudding tonight which is so random).  i had such a good time with this book.  it really reminded me of bridget jones but was original enough to keep my interest.  the main character melissa is the “little lady” in question who starts her own “homme improvement” business helping helpless men with their social lives.  she struggles to find a career, love, and happiness and does it all with the humor and grace of an upbeat woman stumbling through life.  there was nothing super exceptional about the story, nothing magnificently awesome (like, say, an episode of LOST is from beginning to end) but it was gratifying to root for melissa’s success and see her end up with something good.  the story includes a few juicy twists for good measure.

the little lady agency

the little lady agency

i have to say that when melissa mentioned topshop i beamed since that is simply my favorite shop at the moment!  and when she said she drives a subaru forrester i got so excited i told my husband who, incidentally, could care less (i am a subie owner by the way).  i have the next two books at my disposal which i will get around to eventually but we all should know that fantasy/sci fi takes precedence in my life.


movie notes:  non-existent