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Posts tagged “fiction

catching fire–the review

well, i can finally breathe!  this book was just everything i expected it to be.  i’m still on the high of finally getting my eyeballs in catching fire.  this usually means that the plethora of good stuff completely outshone anything that may have been wrong with the story.

book 2

book 2

practically every old favorite makes an appearance or gets honorable mention.  it’s the inclusion of dead and gone characters and the slight development in the background characters that made me feel really connected to the story.  i was so pumped when rue was mentioned a fair amount.  the interaction with katniss and district 11 is so heartbreaking and fiercely powerful that i had to take a moment to slap myself together.  but it was over for my already fragile tear ducts when katniss has a run-in with a new character and fellow district twelver named darius…you’ll see (and maybe you won’t act like a big baby like me, but every heartless savage is entitled to their own reaction).

the plot twist is pretty sweet and allows the introduction of new characters who i loved right off the bat.  the biggest surprise came from johanna who i was initially annoyed with, but she became one of my favorites due to her fabulous way of speaking the truth.  suzanne collins did a great job of including the hunger games in this book without rehashing the same storyline that we saw in the first.  and the ending?  well, it is just the darndest thing of a cliffhanger…practically a climax of the story that is abruptly cut off…until next time.

i really don’t want to give away any spoilers because this series is so full of surprises it would be a shame to even shed light on the storyline.  but here’s a morsel from our very own katniss, a girl after my own heart:

For dessert we dip chunks of fruit in a pot of melted chocolate, and Cinna has to order a second pot because i start just eating the stuff with a spoon.

movie notes: eyes peeled!


in my possession!

in my possession!

ohmygosh ohmygosh ohmygosh!!!!  i can hardly contain my excitement!  i have just returned from walmart on the off chance that they might have the second installment of the hunger games which was released today AND THEY DID!  there it was stacked next to a fresh supply of hardback copies of the hunger games, how appropriate 🙂



i will make quick work of this one no doubt–i started reading while i was in line to pay.  it’s simply 2 legit 2 quit.  happy reading and stay tuned for a review post!

city of ashes

Photo 308i have the weary lightheadedness that comes from reading nonstop for hours on end, all day.  as is my ritual, i spent my saturday at work finishing my book–work shmurk i say.  can i get a resounding “hell yeah!” to how entertaining this series is?  i am referring to “the mortal instruments” series of which i have finished the second book.  there was so much more delicious development of the characters in this one and lots of sticky plot twists.

city of ashes

city of ashes

there was extra stuff on faeries and vampires of which some very interesting plot developments came (i’ll just go ahead a rub simon’s name all in that).  and of course there was more exploration of the “flowers in the attic” syndrome affecting jace and clary.  and would you believe?  their relationship seemed questioned in this book, as if maybe they aren’t related after all!!  the seed of doubt is unmistakably planted by the faerie queen, the inquisitor, and a side story about a woman who killed herself when she was 8 months pregnant.  not to mention the almost constant declarations that jace and clary have no resemblance to valentine….hhmmmm…it’s a conundrum.  i may pop over to walmart to buy the last book tonight.

i thought there was a lot more graphic violence in this one (but hey, the more the merrier) and more outrageously horrific situations that were quite expertly described.  it’ll hit you right from the start <<enter the silent brothers>>.

i saw that the badassness of certain characters was cranked up a huge notch.  and speaking of badassness, i would like to present this tasty tidbit of my favorite whip-wielding shadowhunter:

not that traditional princess behavior was like isabelle at all. isabelle with her whip and boots and knives would chop anyone who tried to pen her up in a tower to pieces, build a bridge out of the remains, and walk carelessly to freedom, her hair looking fabulous the entire time.

movie notes: pop on over to mindful musings for some sweet news!

the little lady agency

Photo 182hurrah!  i’ve finished the little lady agency and i totally wish i was british (speaking of being british, my dad’s making yorkshire pudding tonight which is so random).  i had such a good time with this book.  it really reminded me of bridget jones but was original enough to keep my interest.  the main character melissa is the “little lady” in question who starts her own “homme improvement” business helping helpless men with their social lives.  she struggles to find a career, love, and happiness and does it all with the humor and grace of an upbeat woman stumbling through life.  there was nothing super exceptional about the story, nothing magnificently awesome (like, say, an episode of LOST is from beginning to end) but it was gratifying to root for melissa’s success and see her end up with something good.  the story includes a few juicy twists for good measure.

the little lady agency

the little lady agency

i have to say that when melissa mentioned topshop i beamed since that is simply my favorite shop at the moment!  and when she said she drives a subaru forrester i got so excited i told my husband who, incidentally, could care less (i am a subie owner by the way).  i have the next two books at my disposal which i will get around to eventually but we all should know that fantasy/sci fi takes precedence in my life.


movie notes:  non-existent

dead until dark

finished the first book in the popular sookie stackhouse series which we all probably know is the basis for the show “true blood”.  my first impression is that it was entertaining.  this take on vampires was very adult, so that was a nice change from previous books i’ve read.  i also liked the bits of southern charm peppered throughout (story takes place in Louisiana).  reading this book actually made me feel like i was indulging in a guilty pleasure because it only appealed to my superficial senses.  i mean, how many times did sookie and bill need to bed each other??  (aaawwww, sookie sookie!)

book 1

book 1

i was sucked into the story only after the murders started happening.  the descriptions of sookie and bill at the beginning just weren’t enough to fully capture my interest.  but as my friend mendie agrees, i always appreciate a story that surprises me, and the resolution at the end of the whodunnit murder spree was an eye-popper.  i’m looking forward to development of the main characters in the rest of the books ’cause right now, bill and sookie seem kind of shallow.  although i will say that i love sam and hope to see a lot more of him (in whatever form).  and why does sookie get the dickens beat out of her all the time and not seem that upset?  and why does she act all scared just running from house to car (and vice-versa) yet when the murderer is in the dark woods around her house she decides her best bet is to run throughout the woods?  enough questions.  i did like how she got all katniss everdeen in those woods though (the hunger games, people!).  anyway…

i will read the rest of the series as soon as i can get my greedy hands on them.  does anyone know if the series is complete?  (leave comments guys!!!) i’m into buying completed boxed sets these days.  i would recommend these books to everyone of course because they’re so easy to read.  and sometimes its nice to have a brainless, carnal read.

tv notes:  i don’t have hbo.  boo!!!  as usual, i’m going to have to buy this series because all i do is read about how awesomely awesome it is.  as if i have enough money to fund all of my diversions.

city of bones

a goody

a goody


looky looky, sarah found a gem!  finally, a book that i really truly enjoyed.  AWESOME AWESOME fantasy!  it’s truly amazing to me when authors take a fresh perspective on the same mythological characters known to everyone.  this is the first book in the series “the mortal instruments”.  the author cassandra clare introduces her own fantasy concoction of “shadowhunters” with their badass rune markings who are the coolest things since sliced bread.  i thought the plot was pretty unpredictable, although not as expertly done as j.k. rowling.  clare might have foreshadowed a tad too much since i was able to guess a few events right before they happened.  the continuity of the story flowed pretty flawlessly which lent for smooth reading.

city of bones

city of bones

one of the things that i really appreciated was the main male character, jace.  finally!!! we no longer have a gorgeous-beyond-belief, smooth-talking, great-at-everything guy who steals our heroine’s heart.  jace is cool, arrogant, proud, and brutally honest–and these are the characteristics that are surprisingly attractive!  he doesn’t feel the need to coddle the girl that he’s attracted to like she’s a delicate flower…probably because the girls in this book are blade-wielding, rune-wearing, ass-kicking demon slayers!  and don’t worry, it’s not cheesy, more mystical and magical than anything.

obviously, i would recommend this book to everyone, especially if fantasy is your thing.  this one is well done.  i cannot wait to get my hands on the next 2.  oh, and stephenie meyer gave her stamp of approval if you care about that–it’s right smack in the middle of the dang cover.

movie notes:  ……..

his dark materials

you might recognize the first book in this trilogy called “the golden compass”.  if you don’t mind outright atheism, then this is a lovely selection.  the atheism doesn’t get really gory until the last book.  i couldn’t put this series down if not for the sheer fact of wanting to see how the heck it ends–the story steps all over hallowed ground so you may find yourself holding your breath and trying to look away.  

his dark materials

his dark materials

fantasy aspect gets an A++.  there’s also a lot of physics stuff in there that gave the geek in me some heart palpitations.  ahem, just be opened minded when it comes to the religious stuff (don’t worry, it’s not preachy–things just sort of are the way they are).  it’s a really great adventure but i thought it ended on a very sad and lonely note.  and i don’t think i would have felt so lonely if there had been a stronger, more just perception of God or religion–and i’m not even a really religious person.


movie notes:  it’s such as shame that they’re not going to make the last two.  i read somewhere that the church had so many people boycott the golden compass which caused it to tank at the box office which led to the last two movies not being made, boooooooo!  i don’t know how much truth there is in that, but it sure would have been super to at least see the other two.  humph!

blue moon

why do i bother?  …because i love reading, that’s why!  so i guess it’s been only a day and i’m done with the second installment of “the immortals” series.  i knew all my wishing for originality was in vain BUT it was, in fact, more original that the first book “evermore” (see previous post).  i got to learn more about immortals which i had hoped for and the ending leaves a huge setup for an even more original third book (out feb 2010)…we shall see.

blue moon

blue moon

there was, without a doubt, ATROCIOUS copying of the twilight series.  please judge the following:  a new male character is introduced who is trying to steal affection from our female character “ever” (her name is ever, remember?) while our male hero damen slips into the background, and there’s mention (in the first book, too) of how fast damen drives because he has a built-in police detector as part of his psychic abilities.  and this takes the cake:  there is a line in this book that says, and i quote, “the lions are now lunching with lambs”.  at this point i took a great pause and thought “if alyson keeps doing this, i’m going to have to send her a nasty email”.  but the moment passed and i continued reading.

alyson really is a good writer, which is why i can stand to read this series.  and there’s still enough intrigue and suspense that i will still label this series as readable and enjoyable although still u.n.o.r.i.g.i.n.a.l.

movie notes:  nada


well i’m back with a post after a long hiatus.  after posting right when i was through with “running with scissors”, i decided it is much more fun to post right when i finish a book.  but i had no new material…until i went to sam’s club 2 days ago and BEHOLD, i have 5 new books.  i completed the first today which is “evermore” by alyson noel.



i have seen this book at walmart and was put off by its suspiciously “twilight”-looking cover and i finally caved when i saw it at sam’s.  ugh, the cover is not the only twilightish thing about this book.  like, EVERYTHING is.  there’s the copious mentions of “wuthering heights”, the extraordinarily handsome and wealthy boytoy who is immortal and suave, the girl who is an attractive out-of-place misfit who tries to guess what he is (and mentions vampire)…the list goes on.  even the sequel is called “blue moon”!  the aggravating thing is that alyson is a good writer!  much better than stephenie.  alyson’s story just lacked originality.  i found myself really interested whenever she deviated from the twilight formula but really annoyed when she so obviously abused it.  i even got to a point (when damen, the boytoy, specifically says he’s not good at baseball when asked if there’s anything he’s not good at) where i actually paused and thought about not finishing the book.  but it was an easy enough and suspenseful enough read that i persevered.

the mythology surrounding immortals was really interesting and i felt that alyson should have concentrated on that more.  it’s almost as if she was purposefully holding her story back so she could fit it into the twilight mold.  she should have taken “the hunger games” road and developed a story just as good without practically plagiarizing.  i mean, there wasn’t even a need for the characters to be in high school.  it actually would have been more dynamic having the characters be twentysomethings instead…but there you go.  and i will say this:  if i hadn’t read twilight, i would think that this story rocked.

i have the sequel “blue moon” and the only hope i have is that the similarities will end here.  the girl (whose name is ever) is already an immortal by the end of the first book, so i hope this is where we get to dive in to the whole immortal mythology and veer off the twilight path.  and another odd thing is at the end of “evermore”, there’s an advertisement for the release of “blue moon” in August 2009…ummmmm…but there it was on display at sam’s and here it is in my possession.  did sam’s just accidentally release it early?  it’s like no one is taking these books seriously–and rightly so, i’d have to say.

i could see someone who adores twilight having no problems with this book.  or even someone who loves that exact type of story and doesn’t read much of anything else…but see for yourself.

movie notes: God, no.

the giver

before i found harry, i had jonas.  then i went back to jonas and realized how much i missed him.  jonas is a young boy who is trying to make it in a crazy utopian society.  on the day he is assigned his job, his life hits the fan.  he lives in a world where everything is controlled:  the environment (including the weather–whoa), education, families, jobs, sexual urges are repressed (double whoa), and even animals are a myth.  so to me, the most awesome thing would be to expose someone from this world to the real world.  (and that’s what happens, if you catch my drift)

the giver

the giver

this is a short easy read and completely worth your time.  it has kind of a sadder more serious undertone but the suspense and adventure are bitchin’.  the story is a great work of fantasy in my opinion but the whole utopian concept didn’t seem so far-fetched, which kind of creeped me out.  i was rooting for jonas the whole time and the ending didn’t disappoint.

movie notes:  um, why haven’t they made one?  has anyone read this book?  it practically screams “movie adaptation!!!”

the hunger games

ah, mockingjays, tracker jackers, and Peeta, oh my!  i think i might like this book better than twilight.  it’ll depend on how the rest of the series pans out.  this is the first book in a trilogy (hurrah for trilogies!).  the second installment called “catching fire” will be released on sept 1st.  i so love discovering a good series.  there’s nothing better than reading an awesome book and finding out it will have siblings.  it just prolongs the enjoyment.

book 1

book 1

the story is set in postapocalyptic america which is now called panem.  the book begins with the reaping where one boy and one girl are selected from each of the 12 districts to compete in the hunger games.  and then the story just goes nuts from there.  you will totally love this nutty goodness.  there’s a badass chick named katniss everdeen that will make bella from twilight look like a sappy wuss.  there’s so much action and lots of twists that you couldn’t possibly be bored when reading it (which is why i would absolutely recommend this book for someone who doesn’t like to read).  the descriptions in the story were impacting and provided really cool visuals.  and if a book can make me cry, then it automatically moves up in my opinion–damn you, rue!!  wwwwhhhhyyyy????  the suspense was very consuming.  i had to abandon unnecessary daily tasks just to finish.  when i go into lockdown like this, my dogs and husband have to band together for food and care–such good sports.

of note:  since stephenie meyer recommended this book, it has gained quite a following.  i wouldn’t be surprised to see its popularity continue to grow.  since the series is still in progress, this could mean opportunities for midnight releases and parties and such. 

book 2

book 2

if you’ve missed midnight release madness for harry potter and the twilight series, this may be your chance to have this experience!  it’s so much fun to be with others who are just as excited as you when anticipation comes to a head at midnight.  and you’ll know you’ve become a supernerd when you pull an all-nighter after you get the book.  “catching fire” is already available for preorder!

movie notes:  they’re going to make a movie!!  lionsgate has bought the rights to make one 🙂  and suzanne collins (the author) is going to write the screenplay 🙂 🙂  i’m extremely excited to see this book on film and if you’ve read it, you know why.  i’ll be at the midnight showing.  holla back.


again, no synopsis here.  it’s all to do with vampires and werewolves and young love.  part of me feels like i’m discrediting myself completely by suggesting this series, but i did read it before all of the hoopla began and…whatever, i liked it.

twilight series books 1-4

twilight series books 1-4

this series is basically my tried and true recommendation.  this is the gem that i recommended to the 3 non-readers (from “my rant”).  it’s not one of the deepest stories i’ve read and some have even criticized the ending as being lightweight, but it sure is entertaining.  whatever your preconceptions are, you should just give it a try.  it will keep you hooked all the way through the behemoth of “breaking dawn”.  i thought the whole idea of vampires and werewolves was extremely unoriginal and i was delighted with the fresh mythology that stephenie meyer cooked up.

meyer has a knack for coming up with very entertaining stories even though she may not be the greatest writer.  it gives hope to aspiring novelists and mediocre writers like myself.  from a fantasy lover’s perspective, this takes a nice piece of the cake.  it’s easy to lose yourself in the adventure and sexiness of the story.

i’m wondering if it’s even worth addressing the commercialization of this series.  <<still thinking…>>

movie notes:  i was actually one of the ones that loved twilight.  the acting was quite nice, wasn’t it?  this was one of the closest book to movie adaptations i have seen in a long time and i appreciated that.  i now offer a chill pill for all you grizzly bears.

harry potter

ok folks, i’m not going to give you another synopsis to add to the millions that are already out there.  if you don’t have an inkling of what this book series is about by now, then…i don’t know…do you really not know??  what concerns me more is that i know people that have not read it when i know for a fact that they would really enjoy it.

harry potter books 1-7

harry potter books 1-7

as far as fantasies go, this is the motherload.  i especially recommend this series to new readers.  this is one of the richest stories i have ever read–both complex and easy to read.  j.k. rowling is a genius and you will find yourself startled when you realize how much you care about even the smallest characters.  seriously, book 7, just wait.  the books mature as harry matures so if you think the first two fit the “children’s story” mold, keep on truckin’ because you won’t be disappointed.  did i mention book 7?  yeah, just wait.

caution:  DO NOT get caught up in the commercialization of this series.  don’t not read it because you see it advertised everywhere in different media and you’re sick of it.  that would just be a horrendous mistake and i would have to throttle you.  i know someone who did just that and she was floored when she finally read them all in, like, 2 weeks.

i shed many tears when making my way through the series.  i am still beside myself with amazement at the detailed world that rowling created.  the books were such an awesome escape for me.  the fantasy and adventure supernerd in me was euphoric.

people, if you haven’t taken a ride on this train, you need to hop on.

movie notes:  atrocious but enjoyable.  i find that people who have not seen many book to movie transitions tend to act like irritated grizzly bears when not every line from a book is in a movie.  with respect to that, the movies are an abomination.  but still enjoyable i think.