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Posts tagged “evermore

blue moon

why do i bother?  …because i love reading, that’s why!  so i guess it’s been only a day and i’m done with the second installment of “the immortals” series.  i knew all my wishing for originality was in vain BUT it was, in fact, more original that the first book “evermore” (see previous post).  i got to learn more about immortals which i had hoped for and the ending leaves a huge setup for an even more original third book (out feb 2010)…we shall see.

blue moon

blue moon

there was, without a doubt, ATROCIOUS copying of the twilight series.  please judge the following:  a new male character is introduced who is trying to steal affection from our female character “ever” (her name is ever, remember?) while our male hero damen slips into the background, and there’s mention (in the first book, too) of how fast damen drives because he has a built-in police detector as part of his psychic abilities.  and this takes the cake:  there is a line in this book that says, and i quote, “the lions are now lunching with lambs”.  at this point i took a great pause and thought “if alyson keeps doing this, i’m going to have to send her a nasty email”.  but the moment passed and i continued reading.

alyson really is a good writer, which is why i can stand to read this series.  and there’s still enough intrigue and suspense that i will still label this series as readable and enjoyable although still u.n.o.r.i.g.i.n.a.l.

movie notes:  nada


well i’m back with a post after a long hiatus.  after posting right when i was through with “running with scissors”, i decided it is much more fun to post right when i finish a book.  but i had no new material…until i went to sam’s club 2 days ago and BEHOLD, i have 5 new books.  i completed the first today which is “evermore” by alyson noel.



i have seen this book at walmart and was put off by its suspiciously “twilight”-looking cover and i finally caved when i saw it at sam’s.  ugh, the cover is not the only twilightish thing about this book.  like, EVERYTHING is.  there’s the copious mentions of “wuthering heights”, the extraordinarily handsome and wealthy boytoy who is immortal and suave, the girl who is an attractive out-of-place misfit who tries to guess what he is (and mentions vampire)…the list goes on.  even the sequel is called “blue moon”!  the aggravating thing is that alyson is a good writer!  much better than stephenie.  alyson’s story just lacked originality.  i found myself really interested whenever she deviated from the twilight formula but really annoyed when she so obviously abused it.  i even got to a point (when damen, the boytoy, specifically says he’s not good at baseball when asked if there’s anything he’s not good at) where i actually paused and thought about not finishing the book.  but it was an easy enough and suspenseful enough read that i persevered.

the mythology surrounding immortals was really interesting and i felt that alyson should have concentrated on that more.  it’s almost as if she was purposefully holding her story back so she could fit it into the twilight mold.  she should have taken “the hunger games” road and developed a story just as good without practically plagiarizing.  i mean, there wasn’t even a need for the characters to be in high school.  it actually would have been more dynamic having the characters be twentysomethings instead…but there you go.  and i will say this:  if i hadn’t read twilight, i would think that this story rocked.

i have the sequel “blue moon” and the only hope i have is that the similarities will end here.  the girl (whose name is ever) is already an immortal by the end of the first book, so i hope this is where we get to dive in to the whole immortal mythology and veer off the twilight path.  and another odd thing is at the end of “evermore”, there’s an advertisement for the release of “blue moon” in August 2009…ummmmm…but there it was on display at sam’s and here it is in my possession.  did sam’s just accidentally release it early?  it’s like no one is taking these books seriously–and rightly so, i’d have to say.

i could see someone who adores twilight having no problems with this book.  or even someone who loves that exact type of story and doesn’t read much of anything else…but see for yourself.

movie notes: God, no.