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Posts tagged “dead until dark

dead until dark

finished the first book in the popular sookie stackhouse series which we all probably know is the basis for the show “true blood”.  my first impression is that it was entertaining.  this take on vampires was very adult, so that was a nice change from previous books i’ve read.  i also liked the bits of southern charm peppered throughout (story takes place in Louisiana).  reading this book actually made me feel like i was indulging in a guilty pleasure because it only appealed to my superficial senses.  i mean, how many times did sookie and bill need to bed each other??  (aaawwww, sookie sookie!)

book 1

book 1

i was sucked into the story only after the murders started happening.  the descriptions of sookie and bill at the beginning just weren’t enough to fully capture my interest.  but as my friend mendie agrees, i always appreciate a story that surprises me, and the resolution at the end of the whodunnit murder spree was an eye-popper.  i’m looking forward to development of the main characters in the rest of the books ’cause right now, bill and sookie seem kind of shallow.  although i will say that i love sam and hope to see a lot more of him (in whatever form).  and why does sookie get the dickens beat out of her all the time and not seem that upset?  and why does she act all scared just running from house to car (and vice-versa) yet when the murderer is in the dark woods around her house she decides her best bet is to run throughout the woods?  enough questions.  i did like how she got all katniss everdeen in those woods though (the hunger games, people!).  anyway…

i will read the rest of the series as soon as i can get my greedy hands on them.  does anyone know if the series is complete?  (leave comments guys!!!) i’m into buying completed boxed sets these days.  i would recommend these books to everyone of course because they’re so easy to read.  and sometimes its nice to have a brainless, carnal read.

tv notes:  i don’t have hbo.  boo!!!  as usual, i’m going to have to buy this series because all i do is read about how awesomely awesome it is.  as if i have enough money to fund all of my diversions.