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Posts tagged “city of glass

city of glass

Photo 333after royally sucking at blogtoberfest, i am back with an actual book post!  here’s my excuse:  i was thrown into a new project at work against my will, which stressed and annoyed me to no end that i didn’t even have the focus to look at words in a book.  the timeline totally fits–i started the project at the end of september which equals one actual book review in october (lame!).  the tides turned eventually and i have been greatly rewarded 🙂  no more project and no more going to work .period.  BECAUSE I AM WORKING FROM HOME!!!  well, sunday is officially my last day going into work (as long as my karma holds up and doesn’t curdle or anything).  this means LOOOOOOOOOOTS of time for reading…hehehehehehehehe!!!!

35488051so, let’s talk about the book that took half my life to read, shall we?  it! was! really! great!  the ending to clary’s adventure was spectacular.  this third and last book of “the mortal instruments” series was a little more adult (that demon was so trying to rape that girl!) but it pumped some adrenaline into the story.  it helped set this book apart and establish it as one of  the better grand finales i have read.

so much is revealed, especially jace and clary’s origins.  i already had an inkling about jace from the second book but i still managed to be surprised.  you’ll see, i just don’t want to give anything away.  we see idris and alicante, a grand battle with demons, actual angels (ithuriel’s story is just gut-wrenching and raziel’s appearance is AWESOME!).  clary’s mother is back in action and you’ll burn right through the chapter on her backstory.  and valentine’s true evil is exposed with what he did to jace, clary, and a smoldering new guy.  dear sci fi/fantasy genre, why are you so good to me?  this last book has officially cemented me as a fan.

movie notes:  where?!


i finally made it to a bookstore (books a million) and came away with 3 wonderful finds.  i’m in the process of reading the second sookie stackhouse novel and i told myself i need to finish it before i start one of my new books, but i have ants in my pants about it.  Photo 314ahem!  i have the following:  the lovely bones by alice sebold, shiver by maggie stiefvater, and city of glass by cassandra clare. i have heard great things about all.  any suggestions on where i should start?