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Posts tagged “antiques


i am a HUGE antique lover.  as a matter of fact, i go antique shopping about once a week.  i can hardly afford anything but every once in a while there’s that thing i can’t live without.  i recently bought the following at a tiny shop called “the feathered nest”:


it’s a tree!  with deer and everything 🙂  i turned it on its side so it would look better hanging over my bed.  i think it works.  the aged fabric of the background looks pretty darn good against my blue walls.  the embroidery is just gorgeous!

for an early birthday and christmas present, my friend brandi gave me following:


it knocked my socks off.  you have to know me pretty well to know that an antique chair (in my favorite color!) is the most perfect thing EVER to get me.  i didn’t even know it was the perfect gift until i got it.  surprise!