mga libro, livres, books

battle royale …cont.

part 1 review
you know, when i started reading the first few pages i couldn’t help but think “why is this book boring right now?”  it consists mostly of backstory so i chucked it up to that.  and since it was originally written in japanese, maybe something got lost in translation?  anyway, boooooring.  and i was dismayed because the book weighs a ton and i knew i’d never make it through if it kept up that attitude.  but like i said before, the story completely captivates once the killing starts.  in fact, i’m on page 342 (21 students remaining).

i’m highly impressed that i can recognize each of the 42 students most of the time.  especially when they have names like yoshio, keita, tatsumichi, toshinori, etc.  That should say wonders about how well the characters are fleshed out.  the story is progressing by sorting out who has given into killing and who are the ones determined to survive and escape.  lots of violence and the descriptions are pretty darn descriptive.  as i’m learning more about the main characters, i find myself more concerned about their well-being.  some tricky stuff is coming up in the plot and some ingenious tactics are being used by some smart characters.  i feel the rapid page turning about to begin so i’m thinking the next time i post on battle royale, it will be the last.
final review

2 responses

  1. Glad to hear that you’re enjoying this one so far! And being able to keep 42 characters straight…wow. The author must have done a good job with the characterization!

    July 11, 2010 at 12:23 am

  2. Pingback: beginning battle royale by koushun takami « the bookend.

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